We Aspire a healthier Community

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias voluptate id perspiciatis, aliquam doloribus rerum, inventore quasi recusandae corrupti eaque rem ab tenetur veniam quia, dolorum autem numquam commodi adipisci! Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias voluptate id perspiciatis, aliquam doloribus rerum, inventore quasi recusandae corrupti eaque rem ab tenetur veniam quia, dolorum autem numquam commodi adipisci!

Featured Collection

Biodegradable & Compostable

Bamboo Pads are biodegradable & compostable and degrade within six months - 1200 times faster than plastic

Empowering Women Employees

Bamboo employs women from the community, leading to an increase in job opportunities and empowers women.

100% Natural

Since Bamboo pads don’t contain chemicals, they provide a rash and irritation free experience.Bamboo – viscose fabric, highly absorbent.

Good for the Earth

Bamboo Pads are biodegradable & compostable and degrade within six months - 1200 times faster than plastic pads!

For Women the lifetime risk of having a UTI is greater than 50 Preacent

Hygiene Habits in periods

Hygiene Habits in periods

Practice Healthy Habits During Your Period
Sanitary pads: Change sanitary pads every few hours, no matter how light the flow. Change them more frequently if your period is heavy. Tampons: Change tampons every 4 to 8 hours.

Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) is essential to the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls.

PMS- Pre menstrual Syndrome

You probably get some signs that your period is coming. For most women, it’s no big deal -- maybe tender breasts or a taste for sweets. But for others, the days before their period are harder. If it messes with your daily life, you might have premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Your period is a natural part of your life. And you can do anything you would do any other time of the month. If PMS is a problem for you, there are ways to manage it

What not to eat during periods?

High-fat foods have a strong effect on hormone activity in the body. Like trans fats, saturated fats can contribute to period pain and inflammation. Avoid heavy meats and dairy to keep your fat intake down, which also regulates estrogen levels. it increases your estrogen harmone which can disturb menstruation cycle thus causing missed or unexpected periods.

Check Out Our Products

Pee Device

For women who don't want to stop

An innovative urinating device, which allow to stand and pee .thus, prevents the possibility of UTI

It is easy to use, carry and dispose off

Our Products